Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More than one needed at NBC to replace Tim Russert

With all its dysfunctionalization (that a word?) NBC News has realized that it may take more than one person to replace Tim Russert on "Meet The Press." The New York Times reports:
    Sometime between Election Day and early December, NBC News will make a final decision about who will replace Tim Russert and his interim successor, Tom Brokaw, at the helm of “Meet the Press,” Steve Capus, the president of NBC News, said in an interview. Mr. Capus refused to characterize the network’s intentions. But it is leaning toward an ensemble of hosts that would be led by Chuck Todd, NBC’s political director, and include David Gregory, a correspondent and MSNBC anchor, according to a person who had been briefed on the proposal but was not authorized to comment, partly because the plans were not set.
Russert (that's the bobblehead version of Russert holding a sign that says Buffalo, Buffalo, Buffalo) is probably up above, to distracted by his undefeated Buffalo Bills, to care who will replace him.

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