Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Peter King ready to trade-in Brett Favre for Jason Campbell

After defending Brett Favre through his "Ten Things I Think I Know about the fate of Favre," Sports Illustrated's Peter King mentions he may have a new QB-crush. It's Jason Campbell of the Washington Redskins. These are King's words, people: " I think I am smitten with Jason Campbell. The guy's going to be good. Maybe really good." He later talks about, and we quote, Campbell's "soft spiral downfield." Ahhhhh. Young love. After watching Campbell practice last week, King says: "This display was one of the best I've seen at a summer practice in a long, long time." But please remember, as one pretty decent high school quarterback once said (Allen Iverson), " We're talking about practice, man. We're talking about practice. We're talking about practice. We're not talking about the game. We're talking about practice." King probably doesn't like Iverson's mentality towards sports, but the NBA guard (and future Hall of Famer) sure makes more sense than King. Practice?!?!

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